Diagnosis and Management of Uveitis for the Optometrist
Time limit: 30 days
1 credit
Full course description
Zachary A. Coates OD, MS, DiploABO, FAAO
COPE: 87127-TD
Uveitis is a significant cause of blindness globally, and can have significant underlying systemic associations. This course will focus on the classification, management, and clinical findings affiliated with uveitis, with a specific focus on anterior uveitis.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the Standardization of Uveitis Nomenclature Study Group’s standardized naming conventions for uveitis
- Understand the basics of treatment and management of patients with anterior uveitis
- To recognize the potential underlying systemic conditions or infections associated with uveitis based on clinical presentation
If you have registration questions or problems or you experience any issues with this course, please contact us via email at